Andy Casper is a pillar of the Barcelona comedy community, organising, hosting, and headlining shows regularly in the Catalan capital. He won the prize for ''Most Dedicated to Nonsense'' in 2022 and ''Best Solo Show'' in 2023 at the annual Barcelona Comedy Clubhouse Awards. In 2023, he took his debut hour of stand up comedy ''Gremlin Head'' to the Edinburgh Fringe; in 2024 his absurdist character show ''Bone Man Rides Again'' was one of the Fringe's cult hits. His comedy style is observational with a touch of neurosis. He often focuses on the inner workings of the mind, giving a voice to the angel and the devil on his shoulder. Not limited to stand up, from time to time Andy also likes to dress up, performing as ''Bone Man'', an enigmatic character who likes bones. When he's not helping to keep the Barcelona comedy scene interesting, he can be found hanging out with his girlfriend, swimming, reading books, and playing guitar in his band.